Module yaml/data
- Imports
- Types
- Consts
- `==`(left, right: Anchor): bool
- `==`(left, right: Tag): bool
- `==`(left: Event; right: Event): bool
- collectionStyle(event: Event): CollectionStyle
- defineCoreTag(name: string): Tag
- defineTag(uri: string): Tag
- emptyProperties(event: Event): bool
- endStreamEvent(): Event
- hasSpecificTag(event: Event): bool
- properties(event: Event): Properties
- scalarEvent(content: string = ""; tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark; anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone; style: ScalarStyle = ssAny; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event
- scalarEvent(content: string; props: Properties; style: ScalarStyle = ssAny; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event
- startMapEvent(style: CollectionStyle = csAny; tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark; anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event
- startMapEvent(style: CollectionStyle; props: Properties; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event
- startSeqEvent(style: CollectionStyle = csAny; tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark; anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event
- startSeqEvent(style: CollectionStyle; props: Properties; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event
- startStreamEvent(): Event
- ==
- collectionStyle
- defineCoreTag
- defineTag
- emptyProperties
- endStreamEvent
- hasSpecificTag
- properties
- scalarEvent
- startMapEvent
- startSeqEvent
- startStreamEvent
This module defines the event data structure which serves as internal representation of YAML structures. Every YAML document can be described as stream of events.
Anchor = distinct string
An Anchor identifies an anchor in the current document. It is not necessarily unique and references to an anchor must be resolved immediately on occurrence.
Anchor provides the operator $ for converting to string, == for comparison, and hash for usage in a hashmap.
Event = object startPos*, endPos*: Mark case kind*: EventKind of yamlStartStream, yamlEndStream: nil of yamlStartMap: mapProperties*: Properties mapStyle*: CollectionStyle of yamlStartSeq: seqProperties*: Properties seqStyle*: CollectionStyle of yamlScalar: scalarProperties*: Properties scalarStyle*: ScalarStyle scalarContent*: string of yamlStartDoc: explicitDirectivesEnd*: bool version*: string handles*: seq[tuple[handle, uriPrefix: string]] of yamlEndDoc: explicitDocumentEnd*: bool of yamlEndMap, yamlEndSeq: nil of yamlAlias: aliasTarget*: Anchor
An element from a YamlStream. Events that start an object (yamlStartMap, yamlStartSeq, yamlScalar) have an optional anchor and a tag associated with them. The anchor will be set to yAnchorNone if it doesn't exist.
A missing tag in the YAML character stream generates the non-specific tags ? or ! according to the YAML specification. These are by convention mapped to the TagId s yTagQuestionMark and yTagExclamationMark respectively. Mapping is done by a TagLibrary.
startPos and endPos are only relevant for events from an input stream - they are generally ignored if used with events that generate output.
EventKind = enum yamlStartStream, yamlEndStream, yamlStartDoc, yamlEndDoc, yamlStartMap, yamlEndMap, yamlStartSeq, yamlEndSeq, yamlScalar, yamlAlias
- Kinds of YAML events that may occur in an YamlStream. Event kinds are discussed in YamlStreamEvent.
Mark = object line*: Positive = 1 column*: Positive = 1
Properties = tuple[anchor: Anchor, tag: Tag]
Tag = distinct string
- A Tag contains an URI, like for example ",2002:str".
YamlLoadingError = object of ValueError mark*: Mark ## position at which the error has occurred. lineContent*: string ## \ ## content of the line where the error was encountered. Includes a ## second line with a marker ``^`` at the position where the error ## was encountered.
- Base class for all exceptions that may be raised during the process of loading a YAML character stream.
nimyamlTagRepositoryPrefix = ",2016:"
yamlTagRepositoryPrefix = ",2002:"
yAnchorNone: Anchor = ""
- yielded when no anchor was defined for a YAML node
yTagBinary = ",2002:binary"
yTagBoolean = ",2002:bool"
yTagExclamationMark: Tag = "!"
yTagFloat = ",2002:float"
yTagInteger = ",2002:int"
yTagMapping = ",2002:map"
yTagMerge = ",2002:merge"
yTagNimField = ",2016:field"
yTagNull = ",2002:null"
yTagOrderedMap = ",2002:omap"
yTagPairs = ",2002:pairs"
yTagQuestionMark: Tag = "?"
yTagSequence = ",2002:seq"
yTagSet = ",2002:set"
yTagString = ",2002:str"
yTagTimestamp = ",2002:timestamp"
yTagValue = ",2002:value"
yTagYaml = ",2002:yaml"
proc `$`(event: Event): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- outputs a human-readable string describing the given event. This string is compatible to the format used in the yaml test suite.
proc `$`(id: Anchor): string {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc `$`(tag: Tag): string {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc `==`(left, right: Anchor): bool {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc `==`(left, right: Tag): bool {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc `==`(left: Event; right: Event): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- compares all existing fields of the given items
proc aliasEvent(target: Anchor; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {. inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- creates a new event that represents a YAML alias
proc collectionStyle(event: Event): CollectionStyle {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- returns the style of the given collection start event
proc defineCoreTag(name: string): Tag {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- defines a tag in YAML's core namespace,,2002:
proc defineTag(uri: string): Tag {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- defines a tag. Use this to optimize away copies of globally defined Tags.
proc emptyProperties(event: Event): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- returns true if the given event does not need to render any properties if presented into a YAML character stream.
proc endDocEvent(explicit = false; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- creates a new event that marks the end of a YAML document
proc endMapEvent(startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {. inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- creates a new event that marks the end of a YAML mapping
proc endSeqEvent(startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {. inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- creates a new event that marks the end of a YAML sequence
proc endStreamEvent(): Event {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc hash(id: Anchor): Hash {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc hash(tag: Tag): Hash {.borrow, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc hasSpecificTag(event: Event): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc properties(event: Event): Properties {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- returns the tag of the given event
proc renderAttrs(props: Properties; isPlain: bool = true): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc scalarEvent(content: string = ""; tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark; anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone; style: ScalarStyle = ssAny; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {. inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc scalarEvent(content: string; props: Properties; style: ScalarStyle = ssAny; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {. inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- creates a new event that represents a YAML scalar
proc startDocEvent(explicit = false; version = ""; handles: seq[tuple[handle, uriPrefix: string]] = @[]; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {. inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- creates a new event that marks the start of a YAML document
proc startMapEvent(style: CollectionStyle = csAny; tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark; anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc startMapEvent(style: CollectionStyle; props: Properties; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {. inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- creates a new event that marks the start of a YAML mapping
proc startSeqEvent(style: CollectionStyle = csAny; tag: Tag = yTagQuestionMark; anchor: Anchor = yAnchorNone; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc startSeqEvent(style: CollectionStyle; props: Properties; startPos: Mark = Mark(); endPos: Mark = Mark()): Event {. inline, ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- creates a new event that marks the beginning of a YAML sequence
proc startStreamEvent(): Event {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}