Module yaml/style
The style API provides enums describing the style of YAML nodes. It also provides custom pragmas with which you can define the style with which values should be serialized.
CollectionStyle = enum csAny, csBlock, csFlow, csPair
- Original style of the collection (for input). or desired style of the collection (for output).
ScalarStyle = enum ssAny, ssPlain, ssSingleQuoted, ssDoubleQuoted, ssLiteral, ssFolded
- Original style of the scalar (for input), or desired style of the scalar (for output).
template collection(style: CollectionStyle) {.pragma.}
This annotation can be put on an object field or on a type. It causes the value in the field or a value of this type to be presented with the given collection style if possible. Ignored if the value does not serialize to a collection.
A pragma on a field overrides a pragma on the field's type.
template scalar(style: ScalarStyle) {.pragma.}
This annotation can be put on an object field or on a type. It causes the value in the field or a value of this type to be presented with the given scalar style if possible. Ignored if the value does not serialize to a scalar.
A pragma on a field overrides a pragma on the field's type.